


Siemens ****spare part**** SIMOTICS T torque motor; components 3-phase synchronous motor.


Article Number

Product Description Siemens  SIMOTICS T torque motor; components 3-phase synchronous motor; integrated precision and power cooler; axial cable outlet; power cable 0.5 m with plug size 1.5; signal line 0.5 m with M17 plug; diameter 502 mm; length 210 mm; max. torque 2970 Nm; max. speed 100 rpm; max. current 95 A eff;


Delivery information

Export Control Regulations ECCN : N / AL : N
Estimated dispatch time (Working Days) 25 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 107,800 Kg
Package size unit of measure Not available
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
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